Compile Hadoop Trunk on Mac Java 7


I saw my Java 6 disappear… and I don’t even want to know how to blame or rant about, but I need to compile Hadoop (trunk as of early november) on my macbook running 10.7.5 (latest updates at the time of this post) with the Oracle Java

This is briefly what worked for me… but as a disclaimer this is a hackish quick-fix to get the thing to compile, not a clean mvn marvel.

There are two parts of this:

1) fix a pom.xml in hadoop-common-project/hadoop-annotations by adding the following


This fixes the compile errors coming from the hadoop-common-projects. (apologies for the image, but it is joomla is kicking and screaming on the tags)


2) (ugly) Fix the compile errors for hadoop-hdfs

sudo mkdir /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_08.jdk/Contents/Home/Classes  cd !$ sudo ln -s ../lib/tools.jar classes.jar

This solves the problem of ant/mvn/make/someone that looks for tools.jar into the wrong place by linking the wrong place to the right place. Now this is a disgusting trick, but after fussing around with mvn (which I don’t know well at all) for a bit, I decided to be pragmatical.

Potential (cleaner) solution that Markus Weimer suggested is the following:

I haven’t tested it yet, but here it is.


The final version of this consists in using:


In the <profiles> section of the main pom.xml, and in the hadoop-annotations.


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