2005 Mining Officially Unrecognized Side effects of Drugs by Combining Web Search and Machine Learn

“Mining Officially Unrecognized Side effects of Drugs by Combining Web Search and Machine Learning”, Carlo A. Curino, Clement Yu, Yuanyuan Liu, ACM “Conference on Information and Knowledge Management“ CIKM 2005


We consider the problem of finding officially unrecognized side effects of drugs. By submitting queries to the Web involving a given drug name, it is possible to retrieve pages concerning the drug. However, many retrieved pages are irrelevant and some relevant pages are not retrieved. More relevant pages can be obtained by adding the active ingredient of the drug to the query. In order to eliminate irrelevant pages, we propose a machine learning process to filter out the undesirable pages. The process is shown experimentally to be very effective. Since obtaining training data for the machine learning process can be time consuming and expensive, we provide an automatic method to generate the training data. The method is also shown to be very accurate. The side effects of three drugs which are not recognized by FDA are validated by an expert. We believe that the same approach can be applied to many real life problems and will yield high precision. Thus, this could lead a new way to perform retrieval with high accuracy.


author = {Carlo A. Curino and Yuanyuan Jia and Bruce Lambert and Patricia M. West and Clement Yu},
title = {Mining officially unrecognized side effects of drugs by combining web search and machine learning},
booktitle = {CIKM '05: Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management},
year = {2005},
isbn = {1-59593-140-6},
pages = {365--372},
location = {Bremen, Germany},
doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1099554.1099670},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},


2005 TinyLIME: Bridging Mobile and Sensor Networks through Middleware

“TinyLIME: Bridging Mobile and Sensor Networks through Middleware”, Carlo A. Curino, Matteo Giani, Marco Giorgetta, Alessandro Giusti, Gian Pietro Picco, Amy L. Murphy. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. (PerCom) 2005



In the rapidly developing field of sensor networks, bridging the gap between the applications and the hardware presents a major challenge. Although middleware is one solution, it must be specialized to the qualities of sensor networks, especially energy consumption. The work presented here provides two contributions: a new operational setting for sensor networks and a middleware for easing software development in this setting. The operational setting we target removes the usual assumption of a central collection point for sensor data. Instead the sensors are sparsely distributed in an environment, not necessarily able to communicate among themselves, and a set of clients move through space accessing the data of sensors nearby, yielding a system which naturally provides context relevant information to client applications. We further assume the clients are wirelessly networked and share locally accessed data. This scenario is relevant, for example, when relief workers access the information in their zone and share this information with other workers. Our second contribution, the middleware itself is an extension of LlME, our earlier work on middleware for mobile ad hoc networks. The model makes sensor data available through a tuple space interface, providing the illusion of shared memory between applications and sensors. This paper presents both the model and the implementation of our middleware incorporated with the Crossbow Mote sensor platform. 


title={TinyLIME: bridging mobile and sensor networks through middleware},
author={Curino, C.; Giani, M.; Giorgetta, M.; Giusti, A.; Murphy, A.L.; Picco, G.P.},
journal={Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2005. PerCom 2005. Third IEEE International Conference on},
year={8-12 March 2005},
pages={ 61-72},
keywords={ ad hoc networks, middleware, mobile computing, shared memory systems, software engineering, wireless sensor networks Crossbow Mote sensor platform, TinyLIME, middleware, mobile ad hoc networks, sensor networks, shared memory, software development, tuple space interface},
ISSN={}, }

2008 “The Shining design methodology based on self dynamic reconfigurable architectures”

“The Shining embedded system design methodology based on self dynamic reconfigurable architectures”, Carlo A. Curino, Vincenzo Rana, Marco Domenico Santambrogio, Francesco Redaelli, Donatella Sciuto , to appear at “The 13th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference” (ASP-DAC 2008).



    title = {The Shining embedded system design methodology based on self dynamic reconfigurable architectures.},
    author = {Carlo Curino and Luca Fossati and Vincenzo Rana and F. Redaelli and Marco D. Santambrogio and Donatella Sciuto},
    booktitle = {ASP-DAC},

    pages = {595-600},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/aspdac/aspdac2008.html#CurinoFRRSS08},
    year = {2008},
    biburl = {http://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22541bd0635aa7c2bf91520d28b65ea40/dblp},
    description = {dblp},
    ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ASPDAC.2008.4484021}, date = {2008-05-06},
    keywords = {dblp }

Schema Evolution

Under the guidance of Professor Carlo Zaniolo I’m currently work on schema  evolution and Temporal Databases. Every Information System (IS) is subject to an  uninterrupted evolution process aimed at adapting the system to changing requirements. One of the most critical portions (of the IS) to evolve is the data management core.

Often based on relational database technologies, the data  management core of a system needs to evolve whenever the revision process requires modifications in the set of data or in the way they are stored or maintained, e.g., to increase performance. Given its fundamental role, the evolution of the database underlying an IS has a very strong impact on (all) the application(s) accessing the data, and support for a graceful evolution is of paramount importance nowadays. The complexity of database and software maintenance, clearly, grows with the size and complexity of the system.

Furthermore,when moving from intra-company systems, typically managed by rather small and stable teams of developers/administrators, to collaboratively-developed and -maintained public systems, the need for a well-behaved evolution becomes indispensable. In this web-scale scenario, due to its collaborative nature and fast rate of growth, the forces driving a system to change become “wilder”, while stability, shared agreement, and evolution documentation become crucial. This part of the research is thus devoted to the effort of developing methodologies and tools to support seamless database evolution by means of query rewriting and migration support.

Within this context we developed two systems: PRISM, a system to support schema evolution in relational snapshot databases, and PRIMA:a system to support data archival and querying under schema evolution.


2009: And what can Context do for Data?

To appear “And what can Context do for Data?” Cristiana Bolchini, Carlo A. Curino, Giorgio Orsi, Elisa Quintarelli, Rosalba Rossato, Fabio A. Schreiber, Letizia Tanca to appear in the Communication of ACM


Common to all actors in today’s information world is the problem of lowering the “information noise”, both reducing the amount of data to be stored and accessed, and enhancing the “precision” according to which the available data fit the application requirements. Thus, fitting data to the application needs is tantamount to fitting a dress to a person, and will be referred to as data tailoring. The context will be our scissors to tailor data, possibly assembled and integrated from many data sources. 

2007: A Data-oriented Survey of Context Models

“A Data-oriented Survey of Context Models” Cristiana Bolchini, Carlo A. Curino, Elisa Quintarelli, Fabio A. Schreiber, Letizia Tanca, Sigmod Record December 2007


Context-aware systems are pervading everyday life, there- 
fore context modeling is becoming a relevant issue and an 
expanding research field. This survey has the goal to pro- 
vide a comprehensive evaluation framework, allowing appli- 
cation designers to compare context models with respect to 
a given target application; in particular we stress the anal- 
ysis of those features which are relevant for the problem of 
data tailoring. The contribution of this paper is twofold: a 
general analysis framework for context models and an up- 
to-date comparison of the most interesting, data-oriented 
approaches available in the literature. 
The paper can be obtain here:  curino-context-survey2007.pdf
    title = {A data-oriented survey of context models.},
    author = {Cristiana Bolchini and Carlo Curino and Elisa Quintarelli and Fabio A. Schreiber and Letizia Tanca},
    journal = {SIGMOD Record},
    number = {4},
    pages = {19-26},
    url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/sigmod/sigmod36.html#BolchiniCQST07},
    volume = {36},
    year = {2007},
    biburl = {http://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2dc097c422484c4bac21a5bb9f33e680b/dblp},
    description = {dblp},
    ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1361348.1361353}, date = {2008-04-11},
    keywords = {dblp }

2009 Context Information for Knowledge Reshaping

“Context Information for Knowledge Reshaping” Cristiana Bolchini, Carlo A. Curino, Elisa Quintarelli, Fabio A. Schreiber, Letizia Tanca, accepted to Journal of Web Engineering and Technology Topic on “Web-based Knowledge Representation and Management”


More and more often we face the necessity of extracting appropri-
ately reshaped knowledge from an integrated representation of the information
space. Be such global representation a central database, a global view of sev-
eral ones, or an ontological representation of an information domain, we face
the need of defining personalized views for the knowledge stakeholders: single
users, companies or applications. We propose to exploit the information usage
context within a methodology for context-aware data design, where the notion
of context is formally defined, together with its role within the process of view
building by information tailoring. This paper presents our context model, called
Context Dimension Tree, which plays a fundamental role in tailoring the infor-
mation space according to the user information needs.


2007 X-SOM Results for OAEI 2007

X-SOM results for OAEI 2007” Carlo A. Curino, Giorgio Orsi, Letizia Tanca, The Second International Workshop on Ontology Matching colocated with ISWC 2007 
 ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes the results of the X-SOM tool in the OAEI 

 2007 campaign. X-SOM is an extensible ontology mapper that combines vari- 

 ous matching algorithms by means of a feed-forward neural network. X-SOM 

 exploits logical reasoning and local heuristics to improve the quality of mappings 

 while guaranteeing their consistency.