OLTP-Bench at VLDB 2014

The work behind this paper started long ago (2009?), working with Evan Jones and Yang Zhang on some infrastructure to test our DBaaS project (http://relationalcloud.com) and continued with Andy Pavlo and I cursing about how painful it is to build a reasonable testing infrastructure (is like a tax on DB/system PhD students).

We decided to make it easier for future generations, and started to combine Andy’s workloads and mine, and the strength of both infrastructures (at the time a beautiful mess of hacky codes and half-fast scripts). Djellel Difallah and Phil Cudre-Maroux join the effort (and arguably Djellel put in more hours than anyone else on this since then). We polished the infrastructure and added several more workloads, with help and input from many people including Rusty Sears, Ippokratis Pandis, Barzan Mozafari, Dimitri Vorona, Sam Madden, and Mark Callaghan.

The goal was to produce enough critical mass of features and workloads. So that other researchers would prefer to pick up this infrastructure and contribute to it, rather than building from scratch. This seems to be working as we received many requests and contributions from companies and academics all around the world.  Andy Pavlo is now heading a revamp of the website, including much needed graphing and comparisons interfaces.

Hopefully our community can rally behind this effort, and drive it in whichever direction seems appropriate (we are open to extensions and changes, even drastic), reducing the repeated work, and fostering some better repeatability and ease of comparison among “scientific” results in papers.

Checkout the paper here:


Our website at:


And get the code from github:



2012 VLDBJournal: Automating the Database Schema Evolution Process

Abstract Supporting database schema evolution represents a long-standing challenge of practical and theoretical importance for modern information systems. In this paper we describe techniques and systems for automating the critical tasks of migrating the database and rewriting the legacy applications. In addition to labor saving, the benefits delivered by these advances are many, and include reliable prediction of outcome, minimization of down-time, system-produced documentation, and support for archiving, historical queries and provenance. The PRISM/PRISM++ system delivers these benefits, by solving the difficult problem of automating the migration of databases and the rewriting of queries and updates. In this paper we present the PRISM/PRISM++ system, and the novel technology that made it possible. In particular we focus on the difficult, and previously unsolved problem of supporting legacy queries and updates under schema and integrity constraints evolution.

The PRISM/PRISM++ approach consists in providing the users with a set of SQL-based Schema Modification Operators (SMOs) which describe how the tables in the old schema are modified into those in the new schema. In order to support updates, SMOs are extended with Constraints Modification Operators (ICMOs). By using recent results on schema mapping, the paper (i) characterizes the impact on integrity constraints of structural schema changes, (ii) devises representations that enable the rewriting of updates, and (iii) develop a unified approach for query and update rewriting under constraints.

We complement the system with two novel tools: the first automatically collects and provides statistics on schema evolution histories, whereas the second derives equivalent sequences of SMOs from the migration scripts that were used for schema upgrades. These tools were used to produce an extensive testbed containing 15 evolution histories of scientific databases and web information systems, providing over 100 years of aggregate evolution histories and almost 2000 schema evolution steps.


To appear in VLDB Journal “Best of VLDB 2011”

2012: Keynote at CloudDB “Benchmarking OLTP/Web Databases in the Cloud: the OLTP-Bench Framework”

Benchmarking is a key activity in building and tuning data manage- ment systems, but the lack of reference workloads and a common platform makes it a time consuming and painful task. The need for such a tool is heightened with the advent of cloud computing— with its pay-per-use cost models, shared multi-tenant infrastruc- tures, and lack of control on system configuration. Benchmarking is the only avenue for users to validate the quality of service they receive and to optimize their deployments for performance and re- source utilization.

In this talk, we present our experience in building several ad- hoc benchmarking infrastructures for various research projects tar- geting several OLTP DBMSs, ranging from traditional relational databases, main-memory distributed systems, and cloud-based scal- able architectures. We also discuss our struggle to build mean- ingful micro-benchmarks and gather workloads representative of real-world applications to stress-test our systems. This experience motivates the OLTP-Bench project, a “batteries-included” bench- marking infrastructure designed for and tested on several relational DBMSs and cloud-based database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offerings. OLTP-Bench is capable of controlling transaction rate, mixture, and workload skew dynamically during the execution of an ex- periment, thus allowing the user to simulate a multitude of prac- tical scenarios that are typically hard to test (e.g., time-evolving access skew). Moreover, the infrastructure provides an easy way to monitor performance and resource consumption of the database under test. We also introduce the ten included workloads, derived from either synthetic micro benchmarks, popular benchmarks, and real world applications, and how they can be used to investigate various performance and resource-consumption characteristics of a data management system. We showcase the effectiveness of our benchmarking infrastructure and the usefulness of the workloads we selected by reporting sample results from hundreds of side-by- side comparisons on popular DBMSs and DBaaS offerings.


More details at: http://oltpbenchmark.com

2012: Benchmarking OLTP/Web Databases in the Cloud: The OLTP-Bench Framework

I will be giving the keynote at CloudDB 2012 on relational database benchmarking. Below you can find the abstract of the invited paper.

Benchmarking is a key activity in building and tuning data manage- ment systems, but the lack of reference workloads and a common platform makes it a time consuming and painful task. The need for such a tool is heightened with the advent of cloud computing— with its pay-per-use cost models, shared multi-tenant infrastruc- tures, and lack of control on system configuration. Benchmarking is the only avenue for users to validate the quality of service they receive and to optimize their deployments for performance and re- source utilization.

In this talk, we present our experience in building several ad- hoc benchmarking infrastructures for various research projects tar- geting several OLTP DBMSs, ranging from traditional relational databases, main-memory distributed systems, and cloud-based scal- able architectures. We also discuss our struggle to build mean- ingful micro-benchmarks and gather workloads representative of real-world applications to stress-test our systems. This experience motivates the OLTP-Bench project, a “batteries-included” bench- marking infrastructure designed for and tested on several relational DBMSs and cloud-based database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offerings. OLTP-Bench is capable of controlling transaction rate, mixture, and workload skew dynamically during the execution of an ex- periment, thus allowing the user to simulate a multitude of prac- tical scenarios that are typically hard to test (e.g., time-evolving access skew). Moreover, the infrastructure provides an easy way to monitor performance and resource consumption of the database under test. We also introduce the ten included workloads, derived from either synthetic micro benchmarks, popular benchmarks, and real world applications, and how they can be used to investigate various performance and resource-consumption characteristics of a data management system. We showcase the effectiveness of our benchmarking infrastructure and the usefulness of the workloads we selected by reporting sample results from hundreds of side-by- side comparisons on popular DBMSs and DBaaS offerings.

See http://oltpbenchmark.com for the source code of our benchmark.



2012: Lookup Tables: Fine-Grained Partitioning for Distributed Databases

The standard way to get linear scaling in a distributed OLTP DBMS is to horizontally partition data across several nodes. Ideally, this partitioning will result in each query being executed at just one node, to avoid the overheads of distributed transactions and allow nodes to be added without increasing the amount of required coordination. For some applications, simple strategies, such as hashing on primary key, provide this property. Unfortunately, for many applications, including social networking and order-fulfillment, many-to-many relationships cause simple strategies to result in a large fraction of distributed queries. Instead, what is needed is a fine-grained partitioning, where related individual tuples (e.g., cliques of friends) are co-located together in the same partition. Maintaining such a fine-grained partitioning requires the database to store a large amount of metadata about which partition each tuple resides in. We call such metadata a lookup table, and present the design of a data distribution layer that efficiently stores these tables and maintains them in the presence of inserts, deletes, and updates. We show that such tables can provide scalability for several difficult to partition database workloads, including Wikipedia, Twitter, and TPC-E. Our implementation provides 40% to 300% better performance on these workloads than either simple range or hash partitioning and shows greater potential for further scale-out.


@inproceedings{tatarowicz2012lookup,   author    = {Aubrey Tatarowicz and                Carlo Curino and                Evan P. C. Jones and                Sam Madden},   title     = {Lookup Tables: Fine-Grained Partitioning for Distributed                Databases},   booktitle = {ICDE},   year      = {2012},   pages     = {102-113},   ee        = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDE.2012.26}, }

2012: How Clean Is Your Sandbox? – Towards a Unified Theoretical Framework for Incremental Bidirecti


Abstract. Bidirectional transformations (bx) constitute an emerging mechanism for maintaining the consistency of interdependent sources of information in soft- ware systems. Researchers from many different communities have recently in- vestigated the use of bxto solve a large variety of problems, including relational view update, schema evolution, data exchange, database migration, and model co-evolution, just to name a few. Each community leveraged and extended dif- ferent theoretical frameworks and tailored their use for specific sub-problems. Unfortunately, the question of how these approaches actually relate to and differ from each other remains unanswered. This question should be addressed to re- duce replicated efforts among and even within communities, enabling more effec- tive collaboration and fostering cross-fertilization. To effectively move forward, a systematization of these many theories and systems is now required. This paper constitutes a first, humble yet concrete step towards a unified theoretical frame- work for a tractable and relevant subset of bx approaches and tools. It identifies, characterizes, and compares tools that allow the incremental definition of bidi- rectional mappings between software artifacts. Identifying similarities between such tools yields the possibility of developing practical tools with wide-ranging applicability; identifying differences allows for potential new research directions, applying the strengths of one tool to another whose strengths lie elsewhere.

@inproceedings{terwilliger2012howclean,   author    = {James F. Terwilliger and                Anthony Cleve and                Carlo Curino},   title     = {How Clean Is Your Sandbox? - Towards a Unified Theoretical                Framework for Incremental Bidirectional Transformations},   booktitle = {ICMT},   year      = {2012},   pages     = {1-23},   ee        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-30476-7_1},

2012: Mobius: unified messaging and data serving for mobile apps

Mobile application development is challenging for several reasons: intermittent and limited network connectivity, tight power constraints, server-side scalability concerns, and a number of fault-tolerance issues. Developers handcraft complex solutions that include client-side caching, conflict resolution, disconnection tolerance, and backend database sharding. To simplify mobile app development, we present Mobius, a system that addresses the messaging and data management challenges of mobile application development. Mobius introduces MUD (Messaging Unified with Data). MUD presents the programming abstraction of a logical table of data that spans devices and clouds. Applications using Mobius can asynchronously read from/write to MUD tables, and also receive notifications when tables change via continuous queries on the tables. The system combines dynamic client-side caching (with intelligent policies chosen on the server-side, based on usage patterns across multiple applications), notification services, flexible query processing, and a scalable and highly available cloud storage system. We present an initial prototype to demonstrate the feasibility of our design. Even in our initial prototype, remote read and write latency overhead is less than 52% when compared to a hand-tuned solution. Our dynamic caching reduces the number of messages by a factor of 4 to 8.5 when compared to fixed strategies, thus reducing latency, bandwidth, power, and server load costs, while also reducing data staleness.


@inproceedings{chun2012mobius,   author    = {Byung-Gon Chun and                Carlo Curino and                Russell Sears and                Alexander Shraer and                Samuel Madden and                Raghu Ramakrishnan},   title     = {Mobius: unified messaging and data serving for mobile apps},   booktitle = {MobiSys},   year      = {2012},   pages     = {141-154},   ee        = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2307636.2307650},   }

2012: Skew-aware automatic database partitioning in shared-nothing, parallel OLTP systems

The advent of affordable, shared-nothing computing systems portends a new class of parallel database management systems (DBMS) for on-line transaction processing (OLTP) applications that scale without sacrificing ACID guarantees [7, 9]. The performance of these DBMSs is predicated on the existence of an optimal database design that is tailored for the unique characteristics of OLTP workloads. Deriving such designs for modern DBMSs is difficult, especially for enterprise-class OLTP systems, since they impose extra challenges: the use of stored procedures, the need for load balancing in the presence of time-varying skew, complex schemas, and deployments with larger number of partitions.

To this purpose, we present a novel approach to automatically partitioning databases for enterprise-class OLTP systems that significantly extends the state of the art by: (1) minimizing the number distributed transactions, while concurrently mitigating the effects of temporal skew in both the data distribution and accesses, (2) extending the design space to include replicated secondary indexes, (4) organically handling stored procedure routing, and (3) scaling of schema complexity, data size, and number of partitions. This effort builds on two key technical contributions: an analytical cost model that can be used to quickly estimate the relative coordination cost and skew for a given workload and a candidate database design, and an informed exploration of the huge solution space based on large neighborhood search. To evaluate our methods, we integrated our database design tool with a high-performance parallel, main memory DBMS and compared our methods against both popular heuristics and a state-of-the-art research prototype [17]. Using a diverse set of benchmarks, we show that our approach improves throughput by up to a factor of 16x over these other approaches.


@inproceedings{pavlo2012skew, author = {Andrew Pavlo and Carlo Curino and Stanley B. Zdonik}, title = {Skew-aware automatic database partitioning in shared-nothing, parallel OLTP systems}, booktitle = {SIGMOD Conference}, year = {2012}, pages = {61-72}, ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2213836.2213844}, }

2011: No bits left behind

This is a fun vision paper I wrote with Eugene Wu and Sam Madden, on how we should be more careful about leaving no bits behind (in the memory hierarchy), and suggest few ideas/improvements we can make to DBMSs today.




One of the key tenets of database system design is making efficient use of storage and memory resources. However, existing database system implementations are actually extremely wasteful of such resources; for example, most systems leave a great deal of empty space in tuples, index pages, and data pages, and spend many CPU cycles reading cold records from disk that are never used. In this paper, we identify a number of such sources of waste, and present a series of techniques that limit this waste (e.g., forcing better memory locality for hot data and using empty space in index pages to cache popular tuples) without substantially complicating interfaces or system design. We show that these techniques effectively reduce memory requirements for real scenarios from the Wikipedia database (by up to 17.8×) while increasing query performance (by up to 8×).

You can find the paper here: http://www.cidrdb.org/cidr2011/Papers/CIDR11_Paper23.pdf

@inproceedings{wu2011nobits,   author    = {Eugene Wu and                Carlo Curino and                Samuel Madden},   title     = {No bits left behind},   booktitle = {CIDR},   year      = {2011},   pages     = {187-190},   ee        = {http://www.cidrdb.org/cidr2011/Papers/CIDR11_Paper23.pdf}, }


2011: “RelationalCloud: a Database Service for the cloud”

Conference: CIDR 2011


Carlo Curino, Evan P. C. Jones, Raluca Ada Popa, Nirmesh Malviya, Eugene Wu, Sam Madden, Hari Balakrishnan, Nickolai Zeldovich.


ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a new transactional “database-as-a-service” (DBaaS) called Relational Cloud. A DBaaS promises to move much of the operational burden of provisioning, configuration, scaling, performance tuning, backup, privacy, and access control from the database users to the service operator, offering lower overall costs to users. Early DBaaS efforts include Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Azure, which are promising in terms of establish- ing the market need for such a service, but which do not address three important challenges: efficient multi-tenancy, elastic scalability, and database privacy. We argue that these three challenges must be overcome before outsourcing database software and management becomes attractive to many users, and cost-effective for service providers. The key technical features of Relational Cloud include: (1) a workload-aware approach to multi-tenancy that identifies the workloads that can be co-located on a database server, achieving higher consolidation and better performance than existing approaches; (2) the use of a graph-based data partitioning algorithm to achieve near-linear elastic scale-out even for complex transactional workloads; and (3) an adjustable security scheme that enables SQL queries to run over encrypted data, including ordering operations, aggregates, and joins. An underlying theme in the design of the components of Relational Cloud is the notion of workload awareness: by monitoring query patterns and data accesses, the sys- tem obtains information useful for various optimization and security functions, reducing the configuration effort for users and operators.


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